The month of June marks the half way point in the year and for the furniture design industry it marks the time of year for professionals to gather at an annual trade show in Chicago called Neocon! Often when one walks through the showrooms at the Merchandise Mart each year, there is a common theme that becomes noticeable as to the new insights being displayed. This year, some of these common themes were the demonstration of height adjustable benching solutions, a mix of product finishes and various forms of privacy screens for different applications.

In particular, Steelcase took a unique approach to Neocon this year with an introduction of an office concept and a couple of new product additions. Steelcase produces research each year on office concepts and human interaction in order to develop products that reflect the environments we work within. Steelcase collaborated with Susan Cain to gain some insights into introverts and how that particular personality trait fits within today’s office culture. Susan highlights 4 design principles on the Steelcase website and the video link below helps to identify what these “Quiet Spaces” mean to an office environment.
Also, introduced were a couple of additions to the Elective Elements product line. Steelcase demonstrated the addition of colored glass finishes to the product line and a benching application for this product. Elective Elements benching will be available in the fall of 2014 and a few images below highlight these new solutions.
Steelcase introduced V.I.A. in 2013 at Neocon. V.I.A. stands for Vertical Intelligent Architecture and parts of this Privacy wall solution will be available later this year. A video on the background of design for this product can be viewed here. The last highlighted product that we have to share from the Steelcase showroom is a new height adjustable benching solution entitled “Series Bench”. A unique feature to the Steelcase solution is the screen attachment is located along the middle beam, which allows for users to adjust their surfaces at various height ranges while keeping a consistent horizon line throughout the office space.

One of our partner companies, Coalesse, introduced a new stack chair made out of carbon fiber. Pictured below is the <5 chair designed by Michael Young. The product name stands for “less than five” because the product weighs less than five pounds. The stunning design, light weight and stacking feature make this chair a welcomed addition to the already-strong Coalesse line.

Other than Neocon, Scott Rice is working on rejuvenating our showroom and the process has officially begun in full force. Touring clients can expect to see our company transforming over the next few months and our facility is truly going through the same transitions as our clients’ experience. Every company within the Scott Rice umbrella has been working hard behind the scenes and the evolution is starting to develop! The first conference space will be finished in a few short weeks and larger transformations are under way!
We have had a few interns start at Scott Rice and they are helping us in various roles throughout the company. New intern additions are Lauren Lawton, Pat Blanchard and Rachel Knox. Another new addition to the Scott Rice Office Works team is Brian Newell, he will be leading us deeper into the K-12 Educational market. One of our current CIC employees, Mike Hudson, will be leaving our company and is heading to North Carolina to be closer to his family. This past week and a half has been a fun farewell party to our friend and co-worker who has brought a ton of energy to our office in his years of dedication.